Fyrtårnet 9/9

Fyrtårnet-Lighthouse is a collogrph and there is only 9 prints of this one. Its made with three colors and seald metal leaf. The frame it vintage «Jyden» frame.
Each Prayer Window have a hand written Prayer inside the old, retro, vintage or old loking frame. A copy of the Prayer is attached to an original art made card. Every Prayer Window comes with a fabric stiched pouch. They are all different and uniq!
Hope you find «yours»
The Prayer is written in Norwegian, her is a translation of it:
The lighthouse
I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness. But have the light of life.
John 8:12
Thank you Jesus for YOU! There is nothing you can do to harm the love God your Father has for you. He stands steady like a lighthouse and lights your way so you can find Him. His grace is new every day, all that was done yesterday is forgiven. He always knows everything and the only thing He longs for is a close and close relationship with you. He wants you to talk to Him throughout the day, that is what it is to pray unceasingly. Come home!
Jeg er verdens lys. Den som følger Meg, skal ikke vandre i mørket, men ha livets lys.
Johannes 8:12
Takker Jesus for DEG! Det er ingenting du kan gjøre for å skade kjærligheten Gud din Far, har for deg. Han står stødig som et fyrtårn og lyser opp din vei så du skal finne fram til Ham. Hans nåde er ny hver dag, alt som er gjort i går er tilgitt. Han vet alt alltid og det eneste Han lengter etter er en tett og nær relasjon til deg. Han vil du skal snakke til Ham gjennom dagen, det er det som er å be uavlatelig. Kom hjem!