Lion of Judah 3/17

Intaglio print in different colors, limited edition of 17.
Each Prayer Window have a hand written Prayer inside the old, retro, vintage or old loking frame. A copy of the Prayer is attached to an original art made card. Every Prayer Window comes with a fabric stiched pouch. They are all different and uniq!
Hope you find «yours»
The Prayer (its hand written in Norwegian on the card/inside the frame):
Don't cry! Behold the lion of the tribe of Judah, the root of David, has triumphed!
John Revelation 5:5
Dear Heavenly Father! You have conquered this world, you fill the believer with your victory. I pray for this house that they will know your greatness, Your victory in their lives. They must walk in faith and know Your will over their lives. They will seek You and find You if they pray with all their heart. They will know BIG breakthroughs in your name. in the name of Jesus Christ Amen
In Norwegian:
Gråt ikke! Se løven av Juda's stamme, Davids rot, har seiret!
Johannes Åpenbaring 5:5
Kjære himmelske pappa! Du har seiret over denne verden, du fyller den troende med din seier. Jeg ber for dette huset om at de skal kjenne din storhet, Din seier i sine liv. De skal gå i tro og kjenne Din vilje over sine liv. De skal søke Deg og finne Deg mår de ber av et helt hjerte. De skal kjenne STORE gjennombrudd i ditt navn. i Jesu Kristi navn Amen