King of Kings Art

Lion of Judah 4/17

800,00 kr - Sold out
Image of Lion of Judah 4/17 Image of Lion of Judah 4/17 Image of Lion of Judah 4/17

Lion of Judah is limited edition of 17, intaglio prints in different colors. Wooden vintage frame, made june 2023

Each Prayer Window have a hand written Prayer inside the old, retro, vintage or old loking frame. A copy of the Prayer is attached to an original art made card. Every Prayer Window comes with a fabric stiched pouch. They are all different and uniq!
Hope you find «yours»

The Prayer is written in Norwegian and here is the translation:

Lion of Judah (June 23)

Don't cry! Behold the Lion of Judah's tribe, the root of David has triumphed!
John Revelation 5:5

Dear God!
Thank you for your closeness. Your faithfulness and Your victory. Thank you for letting this person know that victory follows his/her life, that the breakthroughs will come in Your name, Lord. Thank you for your advice and let your will be done! Thank you for opened and closed doors in Your name!

Lion of Judah

Gråt ikke! Se Løven av Juda stamme, Davids rot har seiret!
Johannes Åpenbaring 5:5

Kjære Gud!
Takk for Din nærhet. Din trofasthet og Din seier. Takk for at denne personen skal få kjenne at seieren følger hans/hennes liv, at gjennombruddene skal komme i Ditt navn Herre. Takk for Dine råd og la Din vilje skje! Takk for åpnede og lukkede dører i Ditt navn!