Lion of Judah 13/17
Lion of Judah is a intaglio print and have a limited edition of 17. This one is in a wooden vi rage frame from a Norwegian company Jyden.
Each Prayer Window have a hand written Prayer inside the old, retro, vintage or old loking frame. A copy of the Prayer is attached to an original art made card. Every Prayer Window comes with a fabric stiched pouch. They are all different and uniq!
Hope you find «yours»
The written Prayer is in Norwegian, here is the translation:
Lion of Judah (June 23)
Don't cry! Behold the Lion of Judah's tribe, the root of David has triumphed!
John Revelation 5:5
Thank you Jesus!
For this person to know how valuable she/he is, created with a purpose, for peace and edification. Rest close to God, your Father's chest, hear His heartbeat of peace and pure love. He will protect you and rebuild you, so you will once again dress up and dance! Rest thou, His beloved child, rest as thou hast never rested before. You are done "looking behind you", your enemy is defeated.
Lion of Judah (june 23)
Gråt ikke! Se Løven av Juda stamme, Davids rot har seiret!
Johannes åpenbaring 5:5
Takk Jesus!
For at denne personen skal kjenne hvor verdifull hun/han er, skapt med en hensikt, til fred og oppbyggelse. Hvil du inntil Gud, din Fars bryst, hør Hans hjerteslag av fred og ren kjærlighet. Han vil beskytte deg og bygge deg opp igjen, så du igjen vil pynte deg og danse! Hvil du, Hans elskede barn, hvil slik du aldri har hvilt før. Du er ferdig med «å se bak deg», din fiende er slått.