Lion of Judah 7/17

Lion of Judah is an intaglio plate that has been printed in a limited edition of 17. Seald metal leaf. The frame is an vintage metal frame from a Norwegian old company called Jyden.
Each Prayer Window have a hand written Prayer inside the old, retro, vintage or old loking frame. A copy of the Prayer is attached to an original art made card. Every Prayer Window comes with a fabric stiched pouch. They are all different and uniq!
Hope you find «yours»
Tha hand written Prayer is in Norwegian and heres the translation:
Lion of Judah, June 2023
Don't cry! Behold the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the root of David, has triumphed! John Revelation 5:5
Dear Father!
Thank you for giving your only begotten son to die for our sins and rise again on the third day so that we would be set free forever. Thank you, thank you, thank you Jesus for the victory is ours. Thank you that chains shall be broken in your mighty name and every form of addiction shall fly in Jesus name. Thank you for your freedom to be shared further for all who long for You Father
Lion of Judah, juni 2023
Gråt ikke! Se Løven av Juda stamme, Davids rot, har seiret! Johannes Åpenbaring 5:5
Kjære Far!
Takk for at du ga din enbårne sønn til å dø for våre synder og stå opp igjen tredje dag så vi skulle bli satt fri for evig tid. Takk, takk, takk Jesus for seieren er vår. Takk for at lenker skal brytes i ditt mektige navn og all form for avhengighet skal fly i Jesu navn. Takk for at din frihet skal deles videre for alle som lengter Deg Far